Monday, September 28, 2009

Watch out for the signs

I am three days away from leaving my corporate gig.

Despite the fact that a pizza party will be thrown in my honor this Wednesday, I am still going about my business, tying up loose ends and sticking to the same routine that I've stuck to these last few years. Today a wrench was thrown in that routine as I sat down to eat my Sausage Egg and Cheese sandwich.

My hard drive crashed.

Three days away from my last day and the hard drive goes kaput. If that isn't a sign that my time here is done, I don't know what is.

When I wake up on Thursday morning I will be out of work. I won't have a job, but I won't be a bum. Instead, I like to think that I'll be out of the kind of work I don't want to be in and one day closer to the kind of work that gets my engine going (can work really do that?!).

As that day gets closer, I'm proud of the fact that I am a happy mix of bold and stupid enough to not let anything stop me from going after what I want.

When I think back, I wonder how I actually made this decision. I think it's because of the following:

  • I have lots of interests
  • I've spent tons of time with my self
  • I'm always up for trying / learning new things
  • I know what I want and I'm passionate about it
  • I know who I am

Once I realized that there is something out there that I could do for a living AND really enjoy, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I thought about it so much that I decided to take a class, then I took another, then another and then another. I kept reading and thinking and talking about this one thing until it nudged and wiggled its way into all aspects of my life.

I'm really not superstitious but I do pay attention to the signs when they present themselves. I feel very fortunate to have already met many talented and enthusiastic people in the advertising industry and I know that this little network of mine will help keep me inspired and motivated to succeed. So far all signs are pointing me in the direction I want to go.

If on my first day as a Copywriter, my hard drive crashes, I'll revisit my plans.
