In fact, it was hard to miss them.
And if you think about it, that's how all great advertising should be: simple and hard to pass over. These ads stopped me in my tracks and made me look.
I admit, I stare at fat people.
Breaking it down, you've got a visual that everyone is familiar with and a headline that's ridiculously simple, "If you don't move, you get fat." Come to think of it, that line almost sounds like the first thing someone said in a creative meeting."
Jim: So I see we've got work to do for the German Olympic Sports Federation account.
Bob: Yeah, we need to tell kids to get out and play, cause if they don't move, they'll get fat.
In my opinion, the line is all it needs to be. It finishes the story and points you to where you can go to get more info (the GOSF). You might be thinking, "Anyone could've written that line." Maybe you thought, "Making a great ad is so easy, a caveman can do it."
It ain't that easy, trust me.
As a guest speaker from a previous class told me, "The best ads are the ones that are "dumb simple." They floor you with their simplicity and your left thinking, "Why the hell didn't I think of that ad?!"
In this case, visual + headline = great ad. There is synergy beween the two. Also, the visual is the star of this show. The headline doesn't try to steal any spotlight, it only supports the star.
As an aspiring Copywriter, this is an important lesson for me because I sometimes try to be too clever. Many times, the result is an ad that is just too confusing.
I'll steal a page out of Scholz & Friends, Hamburg and try to remember:
Chunky but simple is better than clunky and complicated.
P.S. I have no doubt that I would look just like the chubby David (or worse) if I didn't run around the Arno river every day when I lived in Florence, Italy. I would spend whatever money I had on panninis, pizza and pasteries during the walk to and from school.
I miss having that problem!
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