Just call me Rip, Van Winkle that is.
Posting today on this blog reminds me of that classic. Has it really been almost 10 years since my last blog post ?? Well I can tell you this, unlike Rip I certainly have not been asleep in the Catskill Mountains all this time.
On the contrary, life has been that busy, a good thing but I am excited to resurrect this 'blogger.com' blog, especially as I embark on this latest journey in my career.
I've just recently joined PureB2B and I am thrilled to be working for some Sales Leaders that I've worked with and admired for years. The last 15 years of my professional life have been spent selling enterprise technology software, procurement consulting and B2B technology advertising sales. And like everyone else who's been around, I've got stories to tell.
Stories of career highs and lows flowing alongside and inextricably tied to equally high and low memories from my personal life.
Its interesting how that works. Professional and personal life can sometimes feel entirely separate but at the same time so tightly weaved together. Makes me think of a book I love that is one part simple Italian recipe book and one part a story of love and learning about where you're from (the book I'm referring to is 'Many Beautiful Things' by Vincent Schiavelli - the 'Subway Ghost' in the movie Ghost :) I highly recommend it for the tales and for the cool recipes.
For the rest of my life I'll always remember the time I made 'Cauliflower Under Seige' !!
For example, I like to make cheese - in particular fresh mozzarella ! It's fun - I do it for my family and I've even done it with some of my clients.
How in the world is cheese-making related to B2B marketing you ask ? Well, both can be learned rather quickly but both take a lifetime to master !
And while we're talking cheese, here's a place that does it right :)
Here's hoping you enjoy some good cheese this wknd
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