Hello world,
Good news, my "Band Aid" ads were well received, with two pieces making the wall. I jokingly called my campaign "Peace, Love and Paper cuts" because I developed ads making fun of the fact that little cuts aren't the end of the world (you have to actually see the ads to get the whole 'peace, love, paper cut' thing!). I got great feedback and am hopeful that I can turn what I have so far into a solid "book worthy" campaign.
But the best news coming out of last night's class was the announcement that next class will be our portfolio reviews.
This is where we, the students, have the opportunity to review our best work with two guys in the business. So what am I hoping to get out of the review?
- Which campaigns my professors like the best
- Honest feedback on my best concepts
Today I looked back on the work I did for this class and realized that I've had 11 ads stay up over the course of 7 assignments. That means I need to be as organized as possible to get the most out of the review. That's the goal for the week!
I had an interview today for an internship working at an entertainment company.
I get a kick out of interviews and I think it went pretty well. It's a young company and they have a lot of projects going on. I would work to help them market and advertise their work.
The company is located on Lafayette and Astor Place, an area full of buildings with character and people with funky clothes.
Whether I get this internship or not, I'm going back to that neighborhood soon to take pictures, that place is a goldmine!
Ever since I made the decision to focus on advertising full time I've been thinking a lot about the big picture, life, and all those philosophical things college freshman talk about in dorm rooms and common areas in the wee hours of the night.
Thanksgiving is Thursday and aside from the fact that my family can cook, I'm really thankful for the opportunity to make my dream come true. I hope that you take the time to give thanks for all the great stuff you have going on.
P.S. Thanks for the emails and comments, you keep me fired up, I owe you one!
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