Dropped my steady gig for a job in B2B Advertising Sales. The wind's at my back and I'm flying high and sitting pretty.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Reflecting before the review
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Peace, love and paper cuts

- Which campaigns my professors like the best
- Honest feedback on my best concepts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Is enough enough?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Leaf piles
I've been in a pretty great mood these last few days.
- I spent the weekend focusing on my best ideas (of the week) and was disciplined enough to ignore the rest (that were way off target!)
- One of my best friends and I took some nice autumn pictures with our SLR cameras and watched videos of our semester in Italy
- I had way too much fun raking leaves in the backyard
- My ads stayed on the wall last night (for Fellowes Paper Shredders)
I've been on quite a roll as far as staying on the wall in class. This week I am working to put together a rough draft of my portfolio, a collection of Joe's "Greatest Hits" and see if it sells or flops. Either way feedback is good and the outcome will help me to understand exactly how far (or close, I could be close!) I am from making this career move a reality.
Going back to the leaves, I'd like to explain why I had so much fun raking them this past Sunday.
The photo challenge for this week was to capture a photo in which symmetry is present. After coming up short all week long I was asked by my parents to help rake the leaves. I started with the leaf blower and actually had a lot of fun with that until it ran out of gas.
At this point I had two pretty big, not yet huge piles of leaves. Then it hit me, or so I thought, I'll make two huge piles of leaves (kind of in rows) down the center of the backyard and I'll have my symmetrical picture. My idea was to rake all the leaves into two large long rows and have a bench at the end of the row and lie down on the bench with the rake in my hand and make it look like I raked my way straight through a (red) sea of leaves.
So after raking like a maniac for a few hours I set up the shot, mounted my camera on the tripod, set the self-timer and took a bunch of pictures. Unfortunately, it was already getting dark and my lens wasn't wide enough to capture how cool my leaf piles actually looked, that and I kept moving on the bench before camera snapped the picture! Below is the best shot I got:
Since I wasted so much time sculpting leaf piles, I found my self in danger of not fulfilling my promise to bag all the leaves. And bagging them is what led to all the fun.
I was picking up leaves the slow way, scooping them by the rakeful, when I started thinking about how much fun it was to dive head-first into these mounds when I was growing up.
Before I knew what happened, I was knee deep in foilage, as happy as a kid who just found out that everyone gets out of school for Yom Kippur, Jewish or not.
It reminded me of a short video I watched the night before from my semester abroad in Italy. My friend and I happened upon this old man one day while walking past the Duomo in Florence. He seemed crazy to us that day, but his smile was infectious and as I look back on this video now I realize that he is so full of life. That's how I want to be, always.
Next time you see a leaf pile, jump in, don't worry who sees. When you smile, people notice and they never forget it.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The wee hours
Don't get me wrong, it's a rush, producing under pressure, but I am trying to do the right things, take a consistent approach with my assignments and it can be frustrating to feel like I'm waiting around for that big idea until crunch time when it falls out of the sky and bops me in the head.
Maybe I shouldn't complain. It's just that sometimes big idea isn't enough. I need time to shape a great thought into a really great line.
Last week I had another ad stay up on the wall (for the Budget Dream Car Rental Assignment), which means that I've had work "stick" for 3 out of the 4 assignments given this semester.
In full disclosure, I should mention that the professors ripped my ad in half, threw away the headline and kept the visual and tagline on the wall. They thought my headline was clunky.
It was.
Where can I get a waterproof notepad?
I get plenty of ideas in the shower, ideas in the dark, ideas when I'm driving, when I'm conversing with friends when I should be listening.
Seems like ideas come to me whenever I'm not in front of my computer.
Curse the creative process and it's lack of structure! Fortunately the iPhone helps me (not in the shower though, that's where I either have to frantically dash out of the shower as fast as I can or spend the remaining duration of my shower repeating the thought over and over again until I finally decide I actually hate it).
This week I've been working on ads for "Fellowes Paper Shredder" and I think I have some good ideas. Today is the day I want to turn my highlevel thoughts into rough headlines so I don't get all fahklumpt* as I rush to do it in a panic on Monday.
As usual, I have only one goal, to make the wall, I'll keep working and let you know.
*Did you know that the Nanny is on just about every night at 2am?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Shaking up those creative juices
Photography is one of my hobbies and as a relatively new DSLR camera owner (Olympus E-520) I think these "challenges" are an awesome way to learn new techniques and have fun along the way.
The challenges are actually a lot like my ad assignments:
- You get a project
- You brainstorm
- You post your work online (the virtual "wall" if you will)
- And people vote and critique
Take a look at the photos I submitted below and let me know what you think by commenting below! I can take the criticism, but be gentle, because I just lied about being able to take criticism!
Challenge - Tilted II
Make use of an unusual angle to create design or movement in an otherwise ordinary photo.
I wasn't sure what to do for this challenge, so I started grabbing random objects and looking at them from all different sides. Finally I grabbed this coffee cup rack and when I looked at it from the angle you see in the photo above it looked (to me) like the back of some Tuscan coffee cup transformer, and it looked like it was running away, but from what?
How about making it run away from bad instant coffee! A cup rack, instant coffee and a sugar bowl morphed (in my head) into a high octane (or is it caffeine) chase scene. The coffee cups are totally making a run for it and they'd rather dive off the counter top than bear another drop of that nasty instant coffee. I entertained myself for a few hours and really had a lot of fun with this one!
Challenge - Animal / People Interaction
Capture an image that depicts some kind of interaction between people and animals. It might be friendly, it might be antagonistic, or it might be something else. Be creative and communicative.
Since I no longer have any pets, I went to the zoo. After an hour or so of walking around, shooting a bunch of llama portraits and talking to the chickens I was about to call it a day and give up the goat when I saw this cute little girl introduce herself to one.
I politely asked the sun to hide behind a cloud but the sun did not comply. Even though there is some harsh lighting in this shot (particularly on her forehead) it is for the most part well lit and it is an overall happy little moment.
I'm glad I was there to capture it! 0
Tomorrow is my ad class and that means I'll find out how my "Budget Rent-a-Car Dream Car Rental" ads do. I've asked loads of people what there dream car would be and what they would do if they had it for a night or two. I think that I'm clear on the product benefit and have some pretty good ideas. I'll be up for the next few hours polishing my thoughts.
Hopefully something will stick.
P.S. Some of you have told me that you get a message saying that your comment cannot be submitted. If you see that message after typing a comment just click the 'submit comment' button again and your comment will go through. If not, DM me on twitter and let me know.