Friday, August 7, 2009

listening to the voices in your head

I talk to my self all the time. When I was younger I remember sometimes wondering why. It seemed a bit odd but I never really stopped to think about it all that much. All I knew was that I was enjoying my own company enough not to mind.

Keeping a blog will allow me to think through, structure and communicate the thoughts in my head (with the added benefit of checking out comments from others). I know, I know, I’m arriving late to the dance, blogging is nothing new. But as I mentioned yesterday, writing is a passion of mine and blogging will help me to do it consistently.

I work in the city and take advertising classes at night. I'm spending more and more of my time building a portfolio because that’s the key to landing a job at an ad agency as a copywriter. It’s hard work but I'm really loving the process. Why? I’ll go into that more in upcoming posts but for now I’ll touch on how I happened down this road.

Like many people you and I know, I was unhappy with my career out of college. Unhappy maybe isn’t the best word. I’ve always been fortunate enough to work with great people and I’ve made plenty of friends along the way. I just never felt satisfied. I play a lot of tennis and when I’m on that court I give 200% for every ball. Practicing is fun, playing is great and winning is awesome. Tennis is one of my passions and it brings me to life.

The feeling I’m describing is nothing new but I’ve never felt anything close to it in the office. Sure, I’ve had great days at work. Colleagues have thanked me for a job well done. I’ve pulled all-nighter’s to meet deadlines and worked over the weekend to keep projects on track. I did the work but I was never captivated by it.

The major I chose in college had nothing to do with advertising and the choice of job I landed out of college had nothing to do with me. I allowed friends and family to guide me instead of steering my own ship. Well after four years on this cruise to no where I decided to jump ship in search of land.

An idea to start a company selling cycling socks is what, in the end led me to take advertising classes. Crazy I know, but right from that first class, I felt excited. I wanted to give 200% in my assignments. I was passing on nights out with friends so I could push my ideas a little bit further. Whether I was creating ads for Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum or Barbasol Shaving Cream I didn’t just do the work; I let the work captivate me and that feels great.


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