Today I decided on the ad class I'll be taking in the fall.
I'm happy with my selection. The (two) professors seem very cool, they have real agency experience and most importantly, they come highly recommended.
Every semester I hear about people who use a catchy course title as the only criteria in deciding which class to take. Needless to say, many of them wind up being disappointed with their choice. Last I checked, classes cost money and eat up chunks of time so a little research seems like an option worth exploring. Here are some tips that should help you to get the most out of your next ad class.
Attend the information session, ask questions
The first class I took was amazing and I'll admit, I got there without doing any research. Sometimes choosing the catchy course title works, but its definitely not the norm.
You'll meet professors and they'll talk about the courses being offered in their own words. A lot of creative ad classes are similar. You get an assignment, hang work on a wall and listen to the professor's critique. Sometimes it comes down to who you mesh best with. Also, don't be afraid to ask a professor if you could sit in on a class or two. Nothing like seeing it for your self.
Hear what other students have to say
There'll be plenty of students at the info. session and talking to them is your opportunity to get the inside scoop on the classes you're interested in. These may be (but are not limited to) a professor's quirks, their ability to effectively critique work, bad habits (e.g. missing classes), etc. Don't let one random student's impassioned rant cause you to pass on a class, get multiple opinions and decide for your self.
Don't like the class you chose? Drop it
Find out if the school your interested in allows you to drop a class and recoup most of your money. Schools like SVA in New York City allow this so long as you do it in the first few weeks of a semester. Give the class a chance but if the chemistry's not there, drop it and search for that spark elsewhere (there are plenty of schools / ad programs out there). Picking a "Plan B" class before the semester begins can help you confidently switch into a class that you've already researched without having to wait an entire semester to take your next class.
Give 200%You only get what you put in, so give each assignment everything you've got. Passion is contagious and both the professor and the students will feed off of your energy. A great attitude can lift your class to new heights.
Play nice, make friendsWhen it comes to getting a job, your classmates are your competition. They're also interesting, talented and motivated people and you've probably got a lot in common with them. The person sitting next to you might be the perfect person to art-direct your book or may recommend you for a job in the future. At the very least, you'll have a friend who understands that getting a job in advertising takes more than funky clothes and cheesy puns.
Use the message board
If your class has an online message board, use it to keep in-class conversations going, post questions to the professor /students, discuss ad campaigns that you like/dislike, etc. A message board is a great way to keep your class engaged and excited in between meetings. Use it.
Obviously I don't go to bed before 3am (this is the 7th or 8th night in a row). The weather looks good tomorrow so I think I'll go for a bike ride and then work on polishing some old ads on the back deck.
Have a nice weekend everyone.