So yes, we are plowing through January and my blogging output has dropped significantly.
People get distracted and I am no exception. I do, however, try to avoid the types of distractions that derail me from my goals and welcome the ones that, while not directly related to any particular goal, inspire, excite and help in someway to make me a better person.
Step one
If you find yourself distracted, ask if you welcome it or not.
Step two
Prioritize, how you ask? Like so:
I can cut back on blog writing a bit but not on completing my portfolio. You can make room for the welcome distractions in your life, and you can do it by shuffling. There will always be time for the important people and things in my life no matter what anyone says.
Step three
Welcome distractions aren't really distractions at all (I'm not talking about midday snacks here people)
Call things as they are.
If you willingly make time for someone or something you are choosing to make it a priority, simple as that.
As far as the business end of things, I've been speaking to Art Directors and think I may have found one (through my good friend James!) who will do a very cool and seriously professional job. I have one campaign out there now and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will turn out!!!
I will also begin my latest Advertising class this Monday. The wind is behind me so I guess I'm still flying high and sitting pretty.
Have a great weekend world, (don't forget about me ;)
Dropped my steady gig for a job in B2B Advertising Sales. The wind's at my back and I'm flying high and sitting pretty.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Checking up on you
How's it going? We haven't talked in a while!
In fact, the last few weeks represent the longest hiatus I've taken since starting this blog back in August.
Whether you missed me or not (or are willing to admit it) I missed you! And whats more, I've been thinking of plenty of things for us to talk about in the coming weeks.
You may or may not know that I am officially one year older and wiser (wiser is debateable I know) then when last we spoke but I am. Each year I am humbled by my family and friends, you know, the birthday cards, the gifts, and most importantly what people say.
I feel very loved and I view that love as a privledge. I use it to motivate me to work harder and be a better person and I think it works.
No matter how far I am away from my goals, I know I'll get there because while I can't see into the future I have memories, moments and signs that make me feel as though I'm heading in the right direction. They come in the form of words (books I've read), sights (images I've seen, people (family, friends, random people I meet).
These signs are past hopes and wishes now answered and they allow me to believe that future dreams will also be realized if I keep working to reach them.
Every year when I blow out the candles on the birthday cake I make a wish. But this year I thought, what about the wishes I've made on previous birthdays, have they come true?
The answer is some yes and some no.
Should I elaborate? Tell you the wishes I've made and all that? I would, trust me but I like you see? And if I told you 1. They might not come true, and 2. I'd have to kill you and thats really not my style. I will say this though:
A lot of times I make wishes for my family and I. My birthday wishes are usually pretty deep, I should write it down so I can recite it to myself in front of the cake because now that I think about it, is there any more akward place to make a thoughtful sincere wish then in front of hungry friends and family waiting anxiously to devour the cake in front of you?
The looks on their eyes tells me they're thinking, it's bad enough the birthday boy gets the first slice, now I have to stand here as he takes his sweet time?! I'm sure no one gets that crazy over it (I have to say this since Family and Friends read this blog) but it is kind of funny to think about.
The point is that many good things already exist in my life and I believe that at one time or another I wished (worked / hoped) for them (not all but some for sure) and that gives me the faith to know that there is something on the other end of what I'm dreaming of today.
For now it's back to work, dreams don't dream themselves up afterall!
In fact, the last few weeks represent the longest hiatus I've taken since starting this blog back in August.
Whether you missed me or not (or are willing to admit it) I missed you! And whats more, I've been thinking of plenty of things for us to talk about in the coming weeks.
You may or may not know that I am officially one year older and wiser (wiser is debateable I know) then when last we spoke but I am. Each year I am humbled by my family and friends, you know, the birthday cards, the gifts, and most importantly what people say.
I feel very loved and I view that love as a privledge. I use it to motivate me to work harder and be a better person and I think it works.
No matter how far I am away from my goals, I know I'll get there because while I can't see into the future I have memories, moments and signs that make me feel as though I'm heading in the right direction. They come in the form of words (books I've read), sights (images I've seen, people (family, friends, random people I meet).
These signs are past hopes and wishes now answered and they allow me to believe that future dreams will also be realized if I keep working to reach them.
Every year when I blow out the candles on the birthday cake I make a wish. But this year I thought, what about the wishes I've made on previous birthdays, have they come true?
The answer is some yes and some no.
Should I elaborate? Tell you the wishes I've made and all that? I would, trust me but I like you see? And if I told you 1. They might not come true, and 2. I'd have to kill you and thats really not my style. I will say this though:
A lot of times I make wishes for my family and I. My birthday wishes are usually pretty deep, I should write it down so I can recite it to myself in front of the cake because now that I think about it, is there any more akward place to make a thoughtful sincere wish then in front of hungry friends and family waiting anxiously to devour the cake in front of you?
The looks on their eyes tells me they're thinking, it's bad enough the birthday boy gets the first slice, now I have to stand here as he takes his sweet time?! I'm sure no one gets that crazy over it (I have to say this since Family and Friends read this blog) but it is kind of funny to think about.
The point is that many good things already exist in my life and I believe that at one time or another I wished (worked / hoped) for them (not all but some for sure) and that gives me the faith to know that there is something on the other end of what I'm dreaming of today.
For now it's back to work, dreams don't dream themselves up afterall!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Will you or won't you?

Happy New Year!
I hope everyone out there (are you out there?) enjoyed an amazing holiday season with family and friends.
Since it's now the New Year, 2010 (do you say twenty ten or O ten? I like the former!) I am going to take a stab at the very popular "New Years Resolution" blog article. Here goes......
Last night, after an evening at my aunts house and what I like to call the last leg in the dining decathlon that is the holidays, I decided that come January 2nd morning I would wake up early and go for a run.
In fact I more than decided, I resolved.
I laid out my running clothes, complete with my usual over use of gear. I had runners tights, thermals, special gloves about 85 layers to wick away sweat, and of course my music (or I should say Pandora's music since I have zero songs on my iPhone).
I woke up at 6:30am (VICTORY #1: I want to get up earlier on weekends this year) and made a serious spiral ham, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich (VICTORY # 2: I want to eat healthier than 2009 so I subbed out the sausage).
I got dressed and threw on my favorite cycling jacket. As I walked to the door I thought, "Maybe I should wear brighter colors since it's still a bit dark outside." When I stepped out onto the porch I realized that black would pop better than any other color.
It was snowing.
I paused for a second but then remembered my resolution so into the snow I ran.
It was driving down pretty hard and hitting me right in the face. I should resolve to replace the sunglasses I lost in "twenty nine," I thought. At first it was kind of annoying but then I thought "resolve" means to reach a firm decision about, so what better way to test my resolve than this?
Satisfied, I smiled (and ran faster).
As usual, what seems like an obstacle really is a catalyst. This run through the snow has me extremely motivated for today, tomorrow and the rest of the year.
I'd love to race the sun each morning and chase it down each night.
I know this won't happen everyday. I'll sleep in, be lazy, sometimes I'll just be stupid. One thing I know is I'll always be weak. But when I am I'll remember days like today and when I sleep in I'll feel bad because I am aware. I can close my eyes and see me on that white road, snow flakes diving down. I can see my foot prints and know that I was there when no one else was.
The challenge I face is pushing forward despite my weaknesses. To me, that's the true test of strength and character. Each day I want to prove to myself that I am who my sister and my mom and my dad say that I am.
My personal resolutions for the year are as follows:
- Wake up earlier
- Go to bed earlier
- Drink less red bull
- Finish advertising portfolio (Q1 2010)
- Get job at advertising agency (ASAP)
- Appreciate the little things that give life texture and flavor
- Learn how to dance
I've got others too - This is a blog people, not a diary! ;o)
I hope you resolve to embrace your weaknesses and use them to push closer to achieving your dreams.
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