Here I am with nothing to do - tossing cards into a hat and killing time
It's 1:30am and it's snowing in my part of the world.
Earlier I was out playing in the snow / decorating my house for Christmas. It was below 30 degrees and windy but I wasn't cold at all.
My kayak / camping gear saved the day. I had a ridiculous amount of layers on and kind of felt like Ralphy's little brother in A Christmas Story (My favorite Christmas DAY movie to watch!). Fortunately I was able to put my arms down when I needed to.
I've had a really nice week.
I found multiple people capable of art directing my ad campaigns. I applied for a freelance position earlier in the week for an Account Executive position at an Ad Agency (we'll see how that goes) and I popped in on my old job and met some friends that I used to work with for lunch.
I had the General Tso's Chicken. I can write a book about my thoughts regarding this dish but I'll save that for another day (for your sake, a day that won't come anytime soon!).
We met at #1 Chinese Restaurant in lower Manhattan. I always joke that the Restaurant Manager calls the entire staff into the kitchen before each shift to give extremely motivational pep talks.
Ladies / Gentlemen, it's 10:45 and those doors will be wide open in 15 short minutes. We will have diners and people calling in orders for delivery and pick up. Our chairs will be filled with folks conducting lunch meetings, holding interviews and others who are looking to escape the office for a few fleeting minutes.
The time they spend with us is precious. Some of them will be dining with us for the first time and others chose our restaurant based on the recommendations of friends or from past experience. We have a responsibility to give them the best meal possible.
They may order General Tso's Chicken or Hunan pork with noodles, they might be picky, they might be in a bad mood but we are # 1 Chinese Restaurant and will will go out on that dining room floor and show our customers that we can handle any request.
No one goes to #2, our spring rolls are crisp and flaky and we've got the best duck sauce in town. We're #1, we're #1, we're #1........
Funny thing is the staff, while attentive, are very subdued, so if they really and truly are fired up to represent #1, they hide it very well!
Anyway, I always look forward to my fortune cookies after I eat chinese food. I'm not all that superstitious but I do get a kick out of a good fortune.
Sometimes I grab my cookie from the pile the waitress leaves on the table (choose my own destiny) other times I leave it in the hands of fate (let others choose first, good table manners you know). I like to completely eat my cookie, then read AND try to pronounce the chinese word on the back of the fortune. This time my chinese word was watermelon (gua).
My fortune, "Your future looks bright."
That is not a promise, it doesn't mean that anything will be handed to me, its only an outlook. Really it's just a mass produced "fortune" but based on the last few weeks I tend to agree with my cookie.
I have a lot to do tomorrow, the first order of business will have me clean the snow off a few cars. I have a lot of work to do if I want to turn in quality ads for my last class but good news, I have a few interesting concepts. So tomorrow is all about execution. And I will approach all of my tasks with the knowledge that good fortune smiles on those who put in the hard work.
Have a nice night world and enjoy the snow!